SIT-mounted sensor for Wave Hammer
The Profound mounted accelerometer for the SIT-series has been custom-designed for high performance integrity testing of installed foundation piles. Especially for large diameter bored piles this sensor enables optimal circumstances to perform the measurement.
Advanced design and application
The SIT-mounted sensor is an alternative to the hand-held sensor whereby the sensor is fixed on the pile head using a separate mounting plate. One or more mounting plates can be mounted on the pile head in advance of the actual measurement. During the measurement the stiff connection between the mounted sensor and pile head ensures optimal high-quality measurement results, asthe mounted sensor registers exceptionally well the response to the hammer blow. Thus providing users with accurate information about the pile shaft and possible defects.
The mounted accelerometer is ideal to be used in combination with the Wave Hammer range for large diameter piles.

News from Soil Instruments Ltd.: GEOSmart
GEOSmart is an in-place inclinometer consisting of closely spaced MEMS 0.5 metres apart. The sensors are mounted on stainless steel tubing with a single cable running the length of the string which reduces the number of cables protruding from the top of the borehole. GEOSmart is installed in either PVC Schedule 40 or 70mm casing and is used to monitor displacement in geotechnical applications including diaphragm walls, embankments, retaining walls, landslides and potential slope failures. Due to its lightweight robust construction with joints capable of bending up to 90o, GEOSmart is conveniently transported to site and can be installed by one site technician. At the end of the project GEOSmart can be removed and reused whereby the length of the string can be easily adapted.
New features
With the new features on we have created a new datasheet. Please contact us for the new datasheet.
Partnership VDV : online monitoring
We are proud to announce that from now on we have entered into a partnership with Vista Data Vision (VDV). VDV supplies leading software for the visualisation of data for geotechnical monitoring projects.
The VDV platform offers extensive and straightforward options presenting all measurement data of the different instrumentation in one project to your clients. The platform offers numerous options for setting threshold values, alarms, user accounts and for combining information from various equipment such as: VIBRA systems, Robotic Total Stations, IPI sensors, noise monitoring systems, air quality monitors. It is also possible to integrate webcams.
VDV Burst Data allows to import high speed dynamic data such as from instruments made by Profound. The data is imported into the VDV database and can then be viewed with all other data types already supported by VDV.

In October we attended 2 Dutch conferences: the 23rd GTL for Sound, Vibration and Air Quality in Hoevelaken and the Geotechnical conference in Breda. The reactions to all the new products like the Wave Hammer, mounted sensor, the partnership with VDV and the early impressions of the VIBRA-r were very positive.
Our special guest Chris Wembridge of Soil Instruments Ltd. demonstrated the GEOSmart system himself at the Geotechnical conference.