Malaysian police conduct noise checks on their own
Perhaps in an effort to show the Malaysian public that the law is being applied equally, police conducted motorcycle noise and modification checks on police personnel. The operation was held by the Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT) on police personnel exiting police headquarters at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur.
This was held in response to public sentiment on social media saying the recent over the top police action against motorcycles was only targeted at the riding public. The vehicle examination special op involved 15 officers and 35 other JSPT personnel, accompanied by 5 officers from the police Integrity and Standard department (JIPS), along with personnel from the Department of Environment (DOE).
During the operation, 280 vehicles were inspected, resulting in 146 summons issued for offences such as “fancy” number plates, no side mirrors, no road tax and exhaust modifications. The main objective of this surprise check is to ensure police personnel complied with the law and road rules, showing an example to the public, as stated on the JSPT Facebook page.

What do you think dear reader, are the police doing the job we pay them to do or is this just mere window dressing and playing to the public gallery? The recent persecution of road users, notable motorcyclists, has reportedly become overbearing and many feel the police are targeting the lower-income and disadvantaged group in these times of pandemic and lockdown with the resulting economic downturn across Malaysia.
While overbearingly noisy exhausts are a nuisance, the current disproportionate response starts to bring to mind images of a police state.